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Account Sharing


    • Posted:2010-02-03 10:01:19
    •    Post subject: Account
    • Final Note

      If you are sharing your account with someone,

      we suggest to stop imediately.

      Your account may get banned for your friends mistakes

      Even your accounts has nothing wrong with the issue, If banned players logs into your account your account will also get banned.

      We warned this so many times but it seems many players are ignoring it.

      Do not regret it after it happens, Please prevent yourself before it happens. We will not assist you if problems occured by account sharing.

      - - - - - - - - - - -

      Please be cautious when choosing who to trust with your account information. If it is found that a characters/accounts has been bug abusing, exploiting, or performing any other act that goes against the Terms of Service or other rules set in effect, action will be taken against the offensive accounts/characters. EVEN IF THE ACT WAS NOT COMMITTED BY THE ORIGINAL ACCOUNT HOLDER.

      Also, if a player is scammed/hacked or otherwise taken advantage of by another who was given account information by the original account holder or one that the account holder trusted with this information, it is the sole responsibility of the original account holder. We will block/ban the player who performed the malicious act, however no properties will be returned to the account, as it was a lack of security on the original account holders part, and not of mgame/netgame.

      In no way do we condone account sharing, and we HIGHLY advise against it.

      As another note:

      Hacking issues must be submitted via our 1:1 inquiry service. We are unable to work on a hacking issue reported via in-game, forum, etc.
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  • CUR*****

    • Posted: 2010-04-14 21:51:03
    • Post subject: Account
    • This is why IP bans are a bad idea. Especially with Dynamic IP addresses. There are a few other games who I adventually got them to change if not abolish there IP policy when it came to Multi-Accting.


      10 Computers in house occupied by 10 different people

      1 Router

      Anyone see the problem with this?

      If 1 out of those 10 people do something severe (buy gold). ALL 10 accounts get banned. Now, should MGameUSA revise its policy to state that "Accounts on the same IP will not be banned for bannable offenses unless there is "account" contact between two or more accounts"

      So if you have

      Acct 1 Acct 4 Acct 7

      Acct 2 Acct 5 Acct 8 Acct 10

      Acct 3 Acct 6 Acct 9

      Acct 1 bought gold. (Bannable offense)

      Acct 1 also had contact with Acct 8

      Then accts 1 and 8 should be banned.

      Now, should acct 1 buy gold (Bannable Offense) and have no contact with any other account then all the accounts should stay active with the exception of account 1.

      Now on to the other side of this. Should Accts 1, 2 ,4, 6, 8,9,10 be found buying gold then "All accounts are to be banned". Basically if there is trend then they should all be banned. If there is no trend stick to my policy, trust me, its better.
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  • JEN*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-25 17:19:01
    • Post subject: Account
    • As long as you and your brother dont break the rules, and neither of you share your account info with someone else who does, you have nothing to worry about.

      And an IP ban is an internet address ban, so having 2 pcs in the same location, both computers would likely have the same IP address anyway, so both would be banned. So a 2nd computer would not fix the issue either.
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  • GEN*****

    • Posted: 2010-02-25 14:23:31
    • Post subject: Account
    • Hi

      I dont understand a lot

      but my brother and me use the same pc to play sof. so gm try say we need have one pc for person???

      i have A LOT time in sof -like 2 years-, and i have 2 acc -i have some characters xD- and my brother have 1. so again, gm try say we need buy other pc?? or what happen with the ppl play in a cyber??

      I think gm dont have nothing to do if we have like 2 acc or more, cuz we waste time and some ppl waste a lot money, and etc. only if we make any report or sometime, but i think i can have and play sof in the pc that i want.

      If i only have 1 pc for my brother and me, gm want we get other pc or what? Gm cant bann ppl for that, i think is a injustice!! and i think more ppl gonna quit from sof for this :(

      If im wrong tell me plz

      aah and sorry for my english ^^

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  • NHO********

    • Posted: 2010-02-17 21:16:55
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ROBE****how about i play at cafe? so many cafe in my town and i need the cheapest price.

      my problem is same you.sometime i play the game in Net cafe .
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  • NOO*******

    • Posted: 2010-02-17 12:24:42
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : SHMI****In some countries, internet IP address is allocated dynamic, so what happen if a acc get ip who previously used and mistakes?

      almost all IPs address are DYNAMIC unless you pay premium to have a static IP address. Thats why i dont understand how the heck can they IP banned somebody??? inquirer wants to know....
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  • NOK*******

    • Posted: 2010-02-16 22:54:17
    • Post subject: Account

      ban only those who done illegal, who benefited ETC...


      The population is going down because of this...

      After playing fair for more than a year boom no more in a blink of an eye... WASTE !

      ok time to move on... goes to other online game w/o this kind of policy :) no more netgames ....
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  • ZER******

    • Posted: 2010-02-16 11:13:47
    • Post subject: Account
    • Maybe not, but you can check who benefited from this and ban those accounts instead of banning IP, right?

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  • ALI****

    • Posted: 2010-02-12 14:55:27
    • Post subject: Account
    • ANTO**** is very correct. There is no way for us to prove who was sitting at the computer when something was done. If people are able to give proof that even though they have the same IP they are not involved in a certain situation, yes, we will take the time to look up the logs and they may get unbanned.
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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-05 06:10:25
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ZERO****Exactly, they can check where gold goes, who benefits from it, etc. So I was wondering too if it was just laziness or not, because these things can be figured out.

      They`d only need to ban the account that was actually abusing and benefited from it. They even said they wont ban new accounts, so whats the use of banning others on the same IP that haven`t even benefited from it?

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  • ZER******

    • Posted: 2010-02-05 01:09:55
    • Post subject: Account
    • Exactly, they can check where gold goes, who benefits from it, etc. So I was wondering too if it was just laziness or not, because these things can be figured out.

      They`d only need to ban the account that was actually abusing and benefited from it. They even said they wont ban new accounts, so whats the use of banning others on the same IP that haven`t even benefited from it?

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  • BOW********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 21:18:08
    • Post subject: Account
    • Edit: +1 for Lexi!
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  • BOW********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 21:16:52
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ANTO****
      » wrote : ZERO****
      » wrote : ALIE****I believe you guys are misunderstanding. NO WHERE did we say we were going to start banning people if we discover they are account sharing. We have not banned for account sharing in the past and we will keep that policy.

      BUT...IF an account engages in some bannable offense, we will ban all accounts on that IP, including those who are shared with it.

      So we are merely warning you again (there has been a sticky on this topic for over a year now) the risks with account sharing due to a few recent situations that would not have happened if people did not share accounts.

      Okay, could you answer why all accounts on the same IP should be banned along with the person/character/account that made the bannable offense?

      I think i can answer, and the answer is very simple. If you, for example, have 4 accounts on same ip, and one of them buys gold, how can you prove you are not the same on all the 4 accs? You cant, they cant see how many people plays, if they are different, they can only look at the ip, and if its the same, for them is the same person. Maybe is quite unfair, but if they didnt do this way, people will be able to bug, or buy ncash without paying...whatever, with one account, and their other accs would be totally safe. This is just my opinion, and even though i see it quite unfair, they have no choice.

      They can check up everything. They should know, since there are logs...
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  • ALE******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 18:57:15
    • Post subject: Account
    • This is random. I understand that there are consequences for sharing accounts, but why cant a GM just figure out whos really doing the bad stuff and whos not? I thought Gms can track that sort of stuff by analyzing the account.... Is it because of laziness? I feel that its not right if some of the accounts on the IP will be banned because of someone elses issue...if they do something wrong, why cant you just figure out who was really doing the right thing, and who wasnt? I feel like there are more people who are innocent getting banned, then there are people who are doing bannable things. This all seems wrong, I think that GMs should take these peoples advice and look into this "ban them all" thing.

      -Thanks :) Lexii
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  • ANT*****

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 15:55:05
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ZERO****
      » wrote : ALIE****I believe you guys are misunderstanding. NO WHERE did we say we were going to start banning people if we discover they are account sharing. We have not banned for account sharing in the past and we will keep that policy.

      BUT...IF an account engages in some bannable offense, we will ban all accounts on that IP, including those who are shared with it.

      So we are merely warning you again (there has been a sticky on this topic for over a year now) the risks with account sharing due to a few recent situations that would not have happened if people did not share accounts.

      Okay, could you answer why all accounts on the same IP should be banned along with the person/character/account that made the bannable offense?

      I think i can answer, and the answer is very simple. If you, for example, have 4 accounts on same ip, and one of them buys gold, how can you prove you are not the same on all the 4 accs? You cant, they cant see how many people plays, if they are different, they can only look at the ip, and if its the same, for them is the same person. Maybe is quite unfair, but if they didnt do this way, people will be able to bug, or buy ncash without paying...whatever, with one account, and their other accs would be totally safe. This is just my opinion, and even though i see it quite unfair, they have no choice.
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  • YKC**

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 15:28:52
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ALIE****I believe you guys are misunderstanding. NO WHERE did we say we were going to start banning people if we discover they are account sharing. We have not banned for account sharing in the past and we will keep that policy.

      BUT...IF an account engages in some bannable offense, we will ban all accounts on that IP, including those who are shared with it.

      So we are merely warning you again (there has been a sticky on this topic for over a year now) the risks with account sharing due to a few recent situations that would not have happened if people did not share accounts.

      Oh okay, thats good enough to hear. thx alieza.
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  • ZER******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 14:49:00
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : ALIE****I believe you guys are misunderstanding. NO WHERE did we say we were going to start banning people if we discover they are account sharing. We have not banned for account sharing in the past and we will keep that policy.

      BUT...IF an account engages in some bannable offense, we will ban all accounts on that IP, including those who are shared with it.

      So we are merely warning you again (there has been a sticky on this topic for over a year now) the risks with account sharing due to a few recent situations that would not have happened if people did not share accounts.

      Okay, could you answer why all accounts on the same IP should be banned along with the person/character/account that made the bannable offense?

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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 13:47:40
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : XKIN****This is an Example:


      PC 2 Knows PC1 and PC3s Info (Accound Sharring) and he logs in once in both Accounds and does somethings bad on his own Accound.

      All Accounds which was once on PC2 gets banned (IP BANN)

      So if nobody does ****, Nobody will get banned.

      Logs and such tells a lot.

      But so does DNA checks do in real.

      But who said YOU actually did it?

      What if you´re innocent?

      Logs and IPs isnt everything. But in 95% of the issues, logs and IPs tell you enough. But if you can localize the place? Then it would be easier. Like if I would get hacked from an IP somewhere in USA. Then its hacking for sure. Since I do never give my acc away. And Im from Europe. If 2 different IPs in the same city are found. Yea.. it might be different. We also play at friends and such.
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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 13:43:20
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : SERW****someone delete my reply... another proof i was right lol

      guys who got banned you not the only ppl, many before you got banned, some guilty some innocent, as i sad before no one will check each acc and acc just doing the easy way "Bann them all"

      Yep Serow has a point. I remember one of my own experience. When my neighbour hacked my sis when he took her bow. (He logged in on her acc on his PC) but he wanted it on his own acc so he asked NLhealNL to transfer and he told him that he got her permission and that its alright. So NLhealNL just helped his housemate and agreed with it. NLhealNL gave the bow to my neighbour. We reported neighbour. He got banned, but NL too, and he had nothing to do with it, he didnt know a thing of it. He is innocent, so I tried to send another 1:1 to Fira? 1? Whut twice. Both got ignored, they couldnt help. Well they didnt wanted to. No this is not a flame to Fira or any other employee of MGAME USA. But I want you to know it. That logs and IPs doesnt say everything. If someone k1lled someone, and I was standing near him when it happened. And when Im truly innocent. Ofc Ill get at the police office but I didnt do a thing, so I would get free in the end. I can kinda compare it with some situations here on SoF.

      Again, Im not blaming MGAME USA or Alieza or whoever. They need nCash, why would they simply ban players who spend/spent a lot of nCash? Though I would all the clarifications. Also, about NLhealNL, I asked GM Alieza in a 1:1, unfortunately it is too late, it cant be rechecked =/

      Man that makes me emo. someone got banned for something he hasnt done. The GM that banned him ignored my 1:1s ( 2 ) and now Alieza cant recheck it (no Alieza, its not your fault <3 ) Seriously, those kind of things makes me really emo. What if I or you was in that situation? You would rather think the same. Well Im off to bed.

      Again for Pete´s sake, this is not a flame. This is just a bad experience I had with MGAME USA about logs, IPs and such. (NLhealNL´s acc wasnt on my neighbour´s PC anyway)

      Well Im off to bed, ciao
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  • XKI*****

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 13:34:15
    • Post subject: Account
    • This is an Example:


      PC 2 Knows PC1 and PC3s Info (Accound Sharring) and he logs in once in both Accounds and does somethings bad on his own Accound.

      All Accounds which was once on PC2 gets banned (IP BANN)

      So if nobody does ****, Nobody will get banned.
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  • SER*******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 13:26:21
    • Post subject: Account
    • someone delete my reply... another proof i was right lol

      guys who got banned you not the only ppl, many before you got banned, some guilty some innocent, as i sad before no one will check each acc and acc just doing the easy way "Bann them all"
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  • ALI****

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 12:12:06
    • Post subject: Account
    • I believe you guys are misunderstanding. NO WHERE did we say we were going to start banning people if we discover they are account sharing. We have not banned for account sharing in the past and we will keep that policy.

      BUT...IF an account engages in some bannable offense, we will ban all accounts on that IP, including those who are shared with it.

      So we are merely warning you again (there has been a sticky on this topic for over a year now) the risks with account sharing due to a few recent situations that would not have happened if people did not share accounts.
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  • SIE*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 11:25:59
    • Post subject: Account
    • i got banned cuz i have 2 houses n some PCs. nice GM lol
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  • SIE*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 11:07:38
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : XKIN****after feeling the bad side of Bann i wont tell anyone my Info anymore.

      3 years of work and everything gone in one second.

      Hope i can get my Accounds back :(

      lol what is GM doing ????2 years of work and evrrything gone in 0.0001 second _ClarkKent_

      SOF will shutting down soon if ppl cant get their accounts back.i guess
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  • XKI*****

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 10:20:53
    • Post subject: Account
    • after feeling the bad side of Bann i wont tell anyone my Info anymore.

      3 years of work and everything gone in one second.

      Hope i can get my Accounds back :(
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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 06:47:57
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : YKCK****ok GM or VM, please make some explanation. example:

      A and B share acc ( different ip addresses ). but they dont made somethings wrong ( like buy gold and etc ). so they both will get ban? OR if one of them buy gold, both will get ban? If the choice is first one, imma quit i guess. lol.

      Yup for sure. Cus gaming alone is boring when u do it too often D:

      I like to game at friends and we dont buy Gold or Bot or do anything against that ToS/RoC. Do we ask to get banned? No! not on an account that is higher then 60+. Or an account that is special to me. So no, we do not break the rules. I dont see a prob why we shouldnt "share" or share accounts.

      share accounts = literally sharing. You give it to a friend, a relative, a stranger or an animal.

      "Share" accounts = playing at another place, at ur friend, neighbour, relatives, PC cafe or even at a farm x.x

      I dont have anything against GMs, but that doesnt stop me from argueing with them, I dont have to agree with them always. Its the best to show them ur oppinion so they can think about it you know.
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  • YKC**

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 05:45:10
    • Post subject: Account
    • ok GM or VM, please make some explanation. example:

      A and B share acc ( different ip addresses ). but they dont made somethings wrong ( like buy gold and etc ). so they both will get ban? OR if one of them buy gold, both will get ban? If the choice is first one, imma quit i guess. lol.
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  • YKC**

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 05:17:32
    • Post subject: Account
    • i think im gonna quit coz of this. and so alot more people. :(
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  • BOW********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 04:21:56
    • Post subject: Account
    • Now you guys see, how i get banned.

      My acCount, Raphits acCount.. andyabout 10+ players just for this reason.

      We all gave our accounts to Eness (xgst**** acCount).

      He gave only his (xgst**** acCount) to LushuzKing, so he can upload more ncash, because he reached the limit on his own acCount.

      Yee, like you can see. Those all players are banned now.

      Even those who were not in any contact with LushuzKing. This is how i get banned and same with me.. more then 10+ players.

      This is like Yami said "unfair". For those who paied for their stuffs, and played fair.

      I will sum up everything:

      Me (bowm****), Raphit, Balla4Lyfe, xRob, ElerticHealer, Zoopy, AlphaArrows, and many more...


      Sharing account with Eness (xgst****)...


      He shared only "his acCount" with LushuzKing (only for one time, so he can load ncash).

      Like you can see... we all banned now.. for NO REASON! (exept acCount sharing)

      Well, i hope GMs will understand this, and unbann those AcCounts which arent involved in.


      Side note: Yee, we have to wait.. till LushuzKing pays the 1xxx dollars.. which makes no sense. -.-

      I will fight for my acCount since, they arent involved.

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  • PUP*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 03:44:05
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : SHMI****In some countries, internet IP address is allocated dynamic, so what happen if a acc get ip who previously used and mistakes?

      Some isp shows an external ip to the world for more than 1 connection, while there are more different internal ip inside the area. Its like have a big router and a LAN.

      In these cases a player can be banned if a neighbour make something wrong, cause netgame see the same ip on both account, even if the first player doesnt share his account.

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  • JEN*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-04 00:03:09
    • Post subject: Account
    • What it boils down to is that you cant prove that you didnt share your account info.. or that the other account on same IP doesnt belong to you.

      Its all a matter of possibility. You run the risk/possibility of your account being hacked etc if you share account info.. U run the risk/possibility of your account being banned IF someone knows your account info and logs on an IP from which they have committed a faux pas, U run the risk/possibility of being banned IF someone in your own home breaks the rules..

      Unfortunately, those are the breaks. They cant tell if its you or your brother or sister logging on your account and committing "crimes," therefore all get punished. Same as for people logging your account from completely different IPs. How can they tell if its someone hacking or you just being in a different location?

      The only time I could possibly see them being able to tell is if you were somehow able to prove that you were in one location while your account was logged at another.. Like for instance.. scanning a plane ticket or gas receipt from Chicago (and sending via 1:1).. and youre account was logged in at the same time in.. Barbados. Obviously you cant be in 2 places at the same time.

      But alas, even then... youd prob stay banned until the situation was resolved.
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  • PHU****

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 22:39:22
    • Post subject: Account
    • First of all this is unfair. Some people only have 1 PC at home and they share the PC together. You will ban them for sharing the PC GMs? This is so funny y dont u ban all the players cuz i know many people are sharing 1 PC. If u ban ppl for dat reason you should close dis game.
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  • MIK*****

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 21:36:18
    • Post subject: Account
    • well, i cant argue with gms opinion but i have to tell u gm, it may be not be fair to people here who using same IP if your planning to ban people with same ip with one modem at their location which is shared by few people. IF i were you *GM*, i would tell people who share accounts that it their loss that they give out info regarding their account. it at their risk of giving info out or sharing account. If they got account lost or something happen to the account it their loss.

      I wonder what would you do if person decide to quit and give the account to someone who they entrust with? u going to ban that account no matter what? Like yami said prehaps it better to check accounts to ensure they dont risk the account however i know it take lot time to do that which is WHY u should hire more people to work in each field of the game system such as answering 1:1, monitoring accounts, watch bots such as that...
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  • ROB*******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 19:51:07
    • Post subject: Account
    • how about i play at cafe? so many cafe in my town and i need the cheapest price.
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  • REA*********

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 18:59:37
    • Post subject: Account
    • The GMs are not forcing you to prevent no one else from playing your account. They are giving you precautions of what might happen if something bad happens. They know you all will still share accounts, but if someone bought gold, hacked, or did anything else that was illegal and it was traced to your account, it will be in trouble as well.


      VM Jonghyun
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  • BUN********

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 18:56:06
    • Post subject: Account
    • My sis and I share one computer but we dont share each others account information... What if we get banned for no reason..?
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  • SHM******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 18:55:07
    • Post subject: Account
    • In some countries, internet IP address is allocated dynamic, so what happen if a acc get ip who previously used and mistakes?

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  • JAS*******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 18:47:50
    • Post subject: Account
    • I totally disagree with gool. ITs like if one of my family stole a candy from store and all my whole family have to go jail.
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  • ZER******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 15:01:04
    • Post subject: Account
    • Actually it`s unfair to ban people along with the person that needs to be banned and was in contact with them.

      If he was indeed on their account, GMs should first find out if he did any harm on the account before it`s actually banned. If he indeed did do harm, see if it can be undone before banning innocent people.

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  • ALI****

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 14:59:08
    • Post subject: Account
    • Unless your offensive is repetitive and severe we usually will not ban new accounts, only existing ones.

      But if we need to ban your new account for some reason, yes your brothers and anyone else who plays on that computers will be banned.

      And sharing accounts with family members/relatives/good friends is still account sharing and we reserve the right to refuse customer service to players who do this! Please remember this.
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  • GEK******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 14:26:07
    • Post subject: Account
    • ok so i was banned as iGekin will my new account be banned because i use the same CPU? plus me and bro play each others accounts will his gett banned also >.>?

      im worried ._.
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  • ROL****

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 13:57:26
    • Post subject: Account
    • » wrote : LUCA****But GM GooL, sometimes, we play at our good friends, or at our brother/sisters PC. And what is wrong with it if I would as example play on a friends PC. If my friend would hack, my account has nothing to do with it. I might edit some stuffs later, but Im off to bed now. Glad you informed us again GM GooL, since the recent issues...

      yeah i agree.. i have friends coming over here at weekends, and i go sometimes to them at weekends to play sof and hang out. all goes on the IP adress, how else can you know who is playing your acc? And yeah, with the PC`s i got 2 PC`s at home, and my brother is also playing sof sometimes.
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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 13:52:35
    • Post subject: Account
    • Huh where is that post I just saw o.o

      Hmm nvm

      I also play at friends, it doesnt gave me any probs =O

      I know my like my whole life. He doesnt do anything bad on his PC. He doesnt even know to hack anyways. But yea, we sometimes play games at each other, and so also SoF =]

      I hope there doesnt come anything that prevent us from not logging in other IP adresses =/

      EDIT: Ah Naru, yes I know bro. I know why GooL thought about that. But I also had my opinion about it. Its not bad but I still would like to play SoF at my best friend =/

      There seems nothing to be wrong for me. And Im not sharing an account anymore.
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  • BOW********

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 13:51:30
    • Post subject: Account
    • I alreay talked to Gool, he told me that we shoudnt share accounts. If you still do, soon you wont be able to play any more games in the future.

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  • LUC******

    • Posted: 2010-02-03 13:40:06
    • Post subject: Account
    • But GM GooL, sometimes, we play at our good friends, or at our brother/sisters PC. And what is wrong with it if I would as example play on a friends PC. If my friend would hack, my account has nothing to do with it. I might edit some stuffs later, but Im off to bed now. Glad you informed us again GM GooL, since the recent issues...
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