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- Ingame bug reporting
- Posted:2012-07-04 21:14:20
- Post subject: Ingame b
You are requested to update the bugs encountered ingame. We shall look for it and update whether it is fixed or already notified or newly recieved accordingly. The following are important to locate the bug precisely. You are supposed to give the details as follows:
1. Level at which bug encountered.
2. Whether at quests or NPC or monster or map.
3. If quest then at what stage of quest, incomplete quest, NPC and monster names. The bugs in map may show wrong place, wrong quest map hint.
4. The time since the bug noted.
We shall do our best to attend to your problems and make gaming experience fun like ever. -
- Posted: 2017-07-25 13:27:04
- Post subject: Ingame b
Hi GM,
Please help check my account, it has been got bug in Market Place after LMS yesterday (July-24-2017).
It happens to all characters in that account, it forces exiting game, can not do anythings.
Ive tried so many different ways, but they didnt work.
Please check image bellow and help me fix it.
Thanks -
- Posted: 2015-03-12 06:18:14
- Post subject: Ingame b
IGN: F uckYouUp no space please help me fix my sword
» wrote : LEG*********hi GM my character is bugged IGN:****YouUp Palace of Devil SKyƒnd Promo) whenver i tried to click the chaos agent it doesnt do anything. it happened since i was lvl 35 and now im 51... so i just keep training please help me GM thx so much -
- Posted: 2014-04-21 10:47:12
- Post subject: Ingame b
I need to do a small explanation of what happened before giving the info required on 1st post.
Around lv20 i found out that killing wolfs for 20 skins would give me some preety nice gear+weapon until lv35.
Today i reached lv35, did my promo and decided to go get my "newest" gear and weapon... took the quest, went to kill a "FEW" bears (30 minutes alter....) i got all the 20 leathers. Went to chan, and he said i couldnt get a new weapon until the one i had disappeared... i tried to do it on lynn for suit and same thing... went for boots+gloves and i got them... only to check that i had -300k gold <.< i threw away the quests (making the leathers disappear) and tryed to get and complete the quests with gold... still couldnt... so what in the world happened here? i want my full new gear so i can continue my lvling, and i can't wait 9 more days for the items to disappear... Can you do something about this?
1. Level at which bug encountered -> 35
2. Whether at quests or NPC or monster or map -> Chan & Lynn
3. If quest then at what stage of quest, incomplete quest, NPC and monster names. The bugs in map may show wrong place, wrong quest map hint -> For Begginer Rental Service (all 3 of them), Weapon and suit, doesn't allow me to get the 2nd promo ones, boots and gloves, removed me Money, when i had the items on inventory.
4. The time since the bug noted -> Few Minutes ago (so around 18:40 GMT) -
- Posted: 2013-10-07 03:22:53
- Post subject: Ingame b
- I have problem in game loading and also some levels are not working properly... online games
- Posted: 2013-02-21 21:46:28
- Post subject: Ingame b
» wrote : MAVELOUSIs getting that honor quest ( Woody's Slave) multiple times in a day bug or you can really get it as many times as u want? Coz others say they can get it multiple times. One man told me if your weapon is [10] you can get it many times. I wonder if it's bugged or a bonus for guys who have items with effect
And you have to open your ****** mouth don't ya? -
- Posted: 2013-02-16 17:27:13
- Post subject: Ingame b
- Is getting that honor quest ( Woody's Slave) multiple times in a day bug or you can really get it as many times as u want? Coz others say they can get it multiple times. One man told me if your weapon is [10] you can get it many times. I wonder if it's bugged or a bonus for guys who have items with effect
- Posted: 2013-02-01 17:14:48
- Post subject: Ingame b
- GMs, I just want to inform you that the boss Cloud Descendant in Darkhand is bugged. Someone gets exp from it continously eventhought he killed it already. It stopped when he reconned I guess. I suggest you work on it. Uhm, I think you should check other bosses also.
- Posted: 2012-11-13 14:45:21
- Post subject: Ingame b
Why does every new updates there seems to be a new bug after that hmm GMs?
1. Faction DD buff: Not receiving the DD buff.
2. Black Dragon Costume: The animation when typing /bdragon doesn't work for both male and female.
3. Friend List: Not able to delete, message, or edit the friend list.(reinstalling the game worked, but the bug returns a few weeks after that)
4. PM: When pked a message is received, clicked on it and automatically gets disconnected from the game. -
- Posted: 2012-11-01 09:26:08
- Post subject: Ingame b
I opened 1100 Pumpink Boxes when have 3 empty slot in inventory for 3 kinds of candy
But I just get 9900 each... ? 1100 boxes = 110.000 Candy but i just get 29700 ? I Lot 80300 Candies
Pls help me
Why no notice when inventory full and still can open pumpkin boxes ???
IGN: __Flash__ -
- Posted: 2012-07-13 04:36:37
- Post subject: Ingame b
There is a problem with my Leopard and Tiger pets.
They no longer meet the command attack, defence and neutral.
and does not work and react more.
In short, the Pets currently serve nothing.
I don't know if this bug exists in other members.
Please can you fix bug TY. -
- Posted: 2012-07-05 14:27:54
- Post subject: Ingame b
Might be better to ask what still works properly. If you ask me all bugs have been reported multiple times in detail. From bugs dating years ago until the latest.
I wonder what this topic is going to bring, but as I've said before the community needs to see results now from Devs fixing bugs. All we're told is "We'll forward it to the developer/concern team" and it's been said too many times.
RESULTS. Fix stuff already. I bet I can easily lay down over 100 bugs on this topic, but they've already been reported, reported and reported again. Have they been fixed? Hell no.
I don't understand why GMs need to ask for bugs and details again. Have they not gathered enough data regarding bugs already? Show us what you have confirmed so far like I request here.
- Posted: 2012-07-05 03:38:12
- Post subject: Ingame b
Abyss Case for healer on Nuking mode seems to be buggy, it attacks like one or 2 times, then it just stops. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt.
This occured after teh big update.
The one with the problem: iKaya
Reinstalling, installing the new client, did not help. -
- Posted: 2012-07-05 02:41:43
- Post subject: Ingame b
May Patch Update Bugs
[Training & Quests]
- Mobs hit faster.
- Item pick up is slow and does not always work.
- Superior/Beast mobs seem to have disappeared on renewed maps.
- Available Pet Quests display a bunch of quests which are not related to Pets, these appear to be Event Quests.
- Available Story Quest displays Pet Quests.
- Pet Quest displays Story Quests.
- Event Quest displays Story Quests.
- There are mobs missing from maps.
- There are not enough mobs on maps for large parties.
-+ Mobs spawn too far apart.
- 5th Promotion Weapons drop at level 80+ mobs.
[Abyss Case]
- Recvr Tab Window Bugged.
- Marriage Buff is bugged when being used in a full party in only buffs the first two members.
- When entering a PK map a yellow announcement text is given on the chat, but does not fit to be read completly.
- Players sometimes get stuck trying to receive: "Ice Castle Key, 2,000,000Exp and Ring of Mortality" from NPC inside Ice Fortress because of adding a player to the party after the dungeon has started.
- NPC prices are displayed double for what they actually cost.
- NPC names on maps are off.
- Eight Trigrams Old Man Buff options disappapeared.
- "Bind" option at Tailor Lynn in Central Valley does not work. Displays "SOF WEB KEEPING SYSTEM" "You can use the system after appying."
- Player Shops are able to vend/sell 130% Evil Spirit Weapon while this was previously blocked.
- Explosive Craft sometimes states "Weapon craft has been learned." while breaking gems.
- House Window
-+ Donate Fame (Honor) button on the House Window cannot be located, thus honor cannot be donated to House.
- Pressing Forum on Messenger displays Korean site followed by "PW does not match" error.
- Options Window: General -> Sound displays a black background.
- (Wide) Window Resolution can not be selected anymore.
- Ctrl+Z Help Window : Page cannot be found. Should display website guides.
- Messenger name can not be customized anymore.
[Causing Errors]
- Order Agent NPC Pigeons from PKing cause error.
- Switching between characters within an account causes error or game crash.
[Typo's and wrong symbols]
- When joining a part or switching party lead a unreadable red symbols appears in the chat window.
- Quest Description texts are badly formatted.
- Quests need to be rechecked in general, for proper texts without weird symbols and better descriptions need to be written in proper English grammar and spelling.
- 5th Promotion Abilities appear to have weird symbols in them in general.
- /expelhouse IGN gives the following message "You have successfully sent the carrier pigeon".
- Lion Roar's say "Ch1", "Ch2", "Ch3" instead of E1, E2, E3.
- Item: Zombie Man Blood has weird symbols.
- Typo: Inventory Equipment tab says "Euipment"
- Level 100 Ninja ability "Enraged Dragon" has weird symbols.
- Low/Mid G. Ki stone descriptions contain weird symbols and % is not displayed properly.
- There is a level [0] Quest with weird symbols on the quest window (Reward = PC Mgame Charm of Return(10))
- When other players in party obtain items the prefix "Mr. " is show on the chat window.
- Ki Stone names in Weapons are bugged and display weird symbols.
- Lion Roar description has weird symbols
- S Gears have weird symbols.
- Thornbush description displays weird symbols.
- Some in game announcements are now displayed empty.
- "0" (zero's) are sometimes missing from NPC prices.
-+ Buffs
-+ Skills
- o14 Demonic Wave sword is now called "Robe of Controlled Power(SwordII).
- Reflection Wall Ability has weird Symbols.
- Level 100 Ability Blade of the Whirlwind has weird Symbols.
- Learning Level 104 Skill apparently did not cost and Ki Points, possibly learning new skills for any class does not consume Ki.
- Level 100 Spear Ability Reins of the Violent Wrath has weird Symbols.
- Chaos Healer 115 Skill Clear Peak Skill Animation does not work.
- Level 100 Healer Ability Touch of Resuscitation has weird symbols in the description.
- Healer Ability Concentrated Chi has weird symbols in the description.
- Healer Party HP Buff (Celestial Empowerment) Animation Effect switched with Elusive Gale (Evasion)
- Level 115 Ability Rambling Under Moon description says it will be active for 20 minutes, while it is only supposed to be 3 minutes.
- Buff combo is bugged.
- Level 100 Archer ability "Fangs of Deadly Venom" has weird symbols.
- Arrow shooting displays graphical lines on the screen.
- Skill Defense AB does not increase Skill Def on Status Window.
- Buskers make the Blader animation with equipped weapon when standing still.
- Busker Skill Sound Effect does not work.
- Premium Items are missing from the Premium Shop.
- nCash prices do not match with Maintenance update notice.
- 50% exp Brownies increase 200HP for 2 hours instead of EXP.
- Certain costumes are bugged, blocked and display weird symbols.
-+ Legendary Costume (M) displayed as a different costume when worn.
-+ JooRyuh (F) costume is displayed wrongly.
-+ Kittenstien OmNom (M)
For more bug reports look here