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- Game Issues Log
- Posted:2014-01-15 05:46:12
- Post subject: Game Iss
Game Issues Log
This topic will be updated with issues going on in Scions of Fate. It will be updated by me, the Game Support (GS), and updated, reviewed and confirmed by the Game Masters (GMs). It's purpose is to communicate the status and progress of issues towards the players. You may report unlisted issues in this topic, but more importantly through the 1:1 Customer Inquiry.
- Posted: 2017-11-18 09:16:58
- Post subject: Server i
- Hello GM, i would like to help me to connect to the game, i can´t play because when i try to connect earth 2 appears one message that said SERVER IS FULL, i try many times on the night or midday and nothing. Can u try to solve the problem ? Thank you for your time. Regards
- Posted: 2014-01-24 08:02:10
- Post subject: Game Iss
» wrote : TUVOKSWIFEOld level 115 quest, now 110 quest "Collecting Order/Chaos" supplies no longer works.
New "Level Obtainment 110+ (gives cookies, sky stones, exp, etc) do not work".
New 130, ninja S gears are invisible when equipped and do not show.
They took the "Ninja should be one with it's surroundings" too seriousthanks for the reports, please also forward them through 1:1, as this topic is mainly for the status of bugs, and not reporting them, you may do so here as well
- Posted: 2014-01-22 20:19:39
- Post subject: Game Iss
I've noticed a few things, IDK if it's considered a bug or my PC being plain weird.
1. [Aerial Dash & Skill Combo] If your aerial dash buff happens to finish at the same time as a skill combo, the character will repeat the last skill of the combo as if having a seizure, auto-skill is disabled. You have to deselect the mob, reselect, and restart the skill to turn autoskill back on.
2. [DC and force-quit] If you are DCed, and trying to log back in from the same browser window by clicking "Game Start". There is a really good chance that when your actual character loads, there will be a window with the message "The program is force-quitting". Needs to close client, log out and close browser, log in from browser again and re-start game. -
- Posted: 2014-01-22 18:31:16
- Post subject: Game Iss
» wrote : ZEROYAMI» wrote : TUVOKSWIFEInstant Reflex does not have an active ability notification. There are no graphics in the game folder which show "Instant Reflex". Therefor this is not a bug.
Busker 90 ability is not bugged, it was designed this way for a reason. However, if you neglect to do the 90 quest you will not get the ability at 5th promo.
True, in my opinion all abilities that activate should be shown with a text notification though. Some have been added, thus they should add the remaining one's as well, perhaps I'll turn this into a suggestion/recommendation.
Regarding the 'design choice' for the Busker, it's rather inconsistent with the rest of the character classes and wouldn't make sense to be done at level 90 then. It seems rather sloppy. I will at least ask for the reasoning in design change for that.
Thanks for the feedback
Not a problem, oh just to add about IR, the fact is IR is a constant ability, not a proc-able ability..... The Auroral Sword is the one that needs the notification since its proc-able and its the one which assist swords with their insane crits.
- Posted: 2014-01-22 17:32:39
- Post subject: Game Iss
» wrote : TUVOKSWIFEInstant Reflex does not have an active ability notification. There are no graphics in the game folder which show "Instant Reflex". Therefor this is not a bug.
Busker 90 ability is not bugged, it was designed this way for a reason. However, if you neglect to do the 90 quest you will not get the ability at 5th promo.
True, in my opinion all abilities that activate should be shown with a text notification though. Some have been added, thus they should add the remaining one's as well, perhaps I'll turn this into a suggestion/recommendation.
Regarding the 'design choice' for the Busker, it's rather inconsistent with the rest of the character classes and wouldn't make sense to be done at level 90 then. It seems rather sloppy. I will at least ask for the reasoning in design change for that.
Thanks for the feedback
- Posted: 2014-01-22 17:14:03
- Post subject: Game Iss
Instant Reflex does not have an active ability notification. There are no graphics in the game folder which show "Instant Reflex". Therefor this is not a bug.
Busker 90 ability is not bugged, it was designed this way for a reason. However, if you neglect to do the 90 quest you will not get the ability at 5th promo. -
- Posted: 2014-01-15 05:46:42
- Post subject: Game Iss
Game Issues
LAST UPDATED: 23-01-2014
[Bugged][Reported to GM Team][GM Team][15-01-2014] Pick Up: Abyss Case displays problems picking up drops.
High Priority Issues
Medium Priority Issues
Low Priority Issues
Unclassified Issues
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][21-09-2012](Archer) AoE Arrow Price Display: Multiple Strong steel arrow displayed price 1,000G. but cost 1,250G. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](Archer) Archer Buff: There is a a slight chance of the buff not registering. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][10-08-2012](Archer) Arrow Purchase: Purchase information not displayed properly. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] AoE Drops: Chance of dropping duplicate item when killing mobs simultaneously. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](Blader) Chaos Blader: 60, 64 68 Chaos Skills are replaced by 60, 64, and 68 Order Blader Skills. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-05-2012] /expelhouse: When expelling a House member an empty line is displayed on the Info chat. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][02-02-2012] 2nd Promotion: When completing the quest player does not always receive promotion upgrade. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Ability Text Notification: Text not displayed upon activation. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][25-07-2011] Abyss Case: Graphical issue on Recvr tab. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][25-07-2011] Abyss Case: Castle Exclusive is an unknown term to players. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Abyss Case: Marriage/Couple Party Buff does not work properly. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Abyss Case: Pick up function does not function properly, moving to next target. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Faction Commander Chat: Commander Chat cannot be differentiated from Normal Chat. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][14-06-2012] APR Icon: APR Icon is invisible in system tray. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Attendance Event Premium: Incorrect descriptions. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][30-04-2012] Boss HP (Reflect): Boss HP not displayed the same for all party members. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Cave of Supreme Evil Timer: Displays timer which is not used. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][13-01-2012] Character Deletion: Characters can be deleted from account regardless of correct birthdate. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Charm of Dechantment: Gives errors and cannot be used properly. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][26-07-2011] Charm of Return formatting: Needs to follow one format for all. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Client Loading Issue: Goes to non-responding while loading the game. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Buddha's Blessing Citrine: Same ability but different citrine for Spear and Archer. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][09-08-2012] VP Citrine: Different ability but same citrine for Ninja and Archer. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Costumes: Various Costume Issues. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Crafting: Crafting in bulk sometimes displays the text: Learned weapon crafting. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] DC and HP: When disconnecting and killed by mob, HP stays at 1. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] DC and Stuck: There is a chance of character or account getting stuck upon disconnect. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Death Aura 7: Using Death Aura displays a 7 above character. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Demon Lair: Various bugs in Cave of Supreme Evil. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Disconnect Clone: Character clones are sometimes left on the map due to disconnect. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Don's Lost Box: Some players still have or drop quest items for this old quest. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] House Fame: Various issues with House honor. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][10-06-2010] Emote: No longer work in PK mode. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][10-06-2010] Emote: Emote (huh) changed to C.Busker Costume play animation. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Event Button: There is no warning window before opening the Event Window. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Female Stance: Seem more bulked on shoulders similar to male character. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Field Boss: See notes. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][09-06-2010] Game Launcher: Not compatible with Firefox and Chrome. (DETAILS)
- [Request][Unknown][ZeroYami][09-06-2010] Game Launcher: Desktop Launcher Suggested. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Fluoride Charm: There is a slight chance of the item blocking when using. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Fluoride Charm: There is a slight chance of the item blocking when using. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Graphic: Skill Combo: Skill Combo initiation is now always visible to others. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Graphical Bugs: Various graphical issues. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Help Window: Ctrl+Z displays a window with page not found. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Ice Castle: Stuck on NPC: Players are stuck in the NPC window under certain conditions. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][14-02-2012] Char Select: Invisible chars: Characters invisible under certain conditions. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][03-03-2011] Ki Stone: Stones display bugged percentage. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Korean System Locale: In some NPC windows jibberish is displayed. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Last Man Standing: Various bugs, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Workaround][Unknown][ZeroYami][14-08-2012] Low Grade Soul Stone: There are some not-working Low Grade Soul Stones. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][07-08-2010] Maps: Map Zoom is not saved and reverts to default size. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Messenger/Friendlist: Various bugs, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][14-06-2010] Music Player: Does not function. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][07-08-2010] Opposite Faciton Equipment: Certain characters are shown to have opposite faction equipment. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Party Loot: Resets to first player when another player is added to the party. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Pets: Pets don't die. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Pigeon Message: When replying to a message, the recipient IGN is displayed in the Chat window. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][30-12-2013] Player Ranking: Are not up to date. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Quests: Various bugs, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Scrollbars: Do not function properly, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012] Skill Window: Graphical error on Skill Combo Button. (DETAILS)
- [Workaround][Download Font][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Small Font: When msmincho is missing from the setup, the game is displayed with small font. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2007] Spelling and Textual Errors and Translation mistakes: Numerous errors, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2007] Spelling and Textual Errors and Translation mistakes: Numerous errors, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][05-05-2012] Temporary Costumes: Missing from Premium Sale. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Announcement Ticker: Ticker and Guide and Help do not function. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][07-08-2010] Time Event Reset: Resets when changing servers, disconnecting, etc. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Voices: Character voices no longer function after Southern Forest update. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][07-08-2010] Wedding System: Various bugs, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Whisper: Having whisper enabled during trade leaves out the first typed word on chats. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010] Window Resolution: Several issues, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][20-01-2013](Busker) 90 Ability: Busker does not receive ability from level 90 quest. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012](Healer) Buff (All) animation switched: Level 115 Healer Party HP Buff (Celestial Empowerment)(All) Animation Effect switched with Evasion Buff Elusive Gale(All). (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](House) Random House Expulsion: It may happen that a member or even a House Master is randomly kicked from the House. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][01-08-2012](Mob) Monster Hitting Speed: Mobs are hitting faster, since a certain update. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](Mob) Monster Issues: Several issues, see details. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Investigating][GM Team][22-03-2009](Ninja) Gears: Equipment is inconsistently named. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](Ninja) Infinite Swift Attack: Bugs when player dies. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][06-06-2010](Ninja) Level 30 Ki: Requires 2000 instead of 9000. (DETAILS)
- [Bugged][Unknown][ZeroYami][03-08-2010](Sword) Chi Armor Animation: Used to have a green light shield, this is no longer shown upon activation. (DETAILS)
To be updated