I`ve spoken with one of our (very kind!) SoF developers today. We are, at this point, fairly confident that we`ve discovered the root cause of why there were so many "stuck" and floating characters.
In order to keep the forums clean, merge duplicate requests, and to keep better track of who still needs to be unstuck, we will keep this notice up indefinitely.
Any issues with stuck or floating characters, please post them here and we will try to help you as soon as we can.
Thank you!
Posted: 2018-08-21 16:16:42
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hello Sir Game Master, My Account Got Stuck Cannot Login, When i click the server it will disconnected, i already restart my laptop and my internet connection but the result is same.. please fix it Fast
ID : luckyforme02
IGN : xSaidx
Job : Blade
Posted: 2018-07-27 06:09:23
Post subject: STUCK CH
please fast repair my account please fast repair my account
level 42
i first play this games why play2 erroR???? stuck
my connector good bro
can play crossfire,dota,other games
why just this games stuck
pleaseeeeeeee fast rapair your aplikasi
Posted: 2018-07-27 03:14:51
Post subject: STUCK CH
Admin, pleaseee come back my id
Pleaseee fast
Posted: 2017-06-27 14:57:52
Post subject: STUCK CH
Please fix this :(
id: vickyliu
IGN : VickyLiu
Posted: 2017-04-20 12:51:35
Post subject: STUCK CH
help me!! i cant do Quest G3 chaos
Id: wiandonovan
nick: KirigayaKzuto
thanks GM
Posted: 2017-03-09 15:39:33
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hi GM,
please fix my char stuck have been disconnected from the server. Exiting the Scions of Fate.
ID : arfrostar009
IGN : _Brands_
thank you.
Posted: 2016-09-09 09:10:39
Post subject: STUCK CH
Same here
Id: erman21
Ign: KimWooBin
Please GM fix, thanks
Posted: 2016-07-15 15:41:22
Post subject: STUCK CH
IGN: BlackBanana
ID: vietkiller95
Got stuck, please help!
Posted: 2016-04-15 01:46:50
Post subject: STUCK CH
IGN : Momogi
i got stuck on loading map, then dc.. help me :(
Posted: 2015-11-23 12:58:58
Post subject: STUCK CH
IGN: BuomZin
I got stuck just today, please help!
Posted: 2015-11-21 15:12:17
Post subject: STUCK CH
Char name :exquis
ID: empirelove
disconnected and died. When i tried to log in the game wont let me. I expect to be refunded exp as well....
Posted: 2015-09-24 18:59:44
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hello, i dont know if this forum still working, but i ll leave the message just in case.
I just got stuck a few mins ago.
IGN: S1lentMaster
Please help me, i was going to hit 60 before weekend :S
I hope u can release my char today please!
Posted: 2015-09-20 18:37:45
Post subject: STUCK CH
My chars got stuck too IGN: HealerinKotori Master4Ev3r Luckymaster
please release my chars !
Posted: 2015-04-16 09:52:51
Post subject: STUCK CH
My char. Ephesian just recently got stuck. It says I have been disconnected when I try to log on it.
Id be really grateful if a GM can fix it. Thanks.
PS: It also applies to the other chars within the same account. Therefore, Im unable to log on any char. on the account.
Posted: 2015-03-16 22:30:30
Post subject: STUCK CH
GM Kuro pls help me unstuck my healer again..
IT was stuck again after Authority Clash on
3/15/15 @4:50pm when exiting the marketplace.
IGN ZzDaiPhuNuzZ
Posted: 2015-03-14 02:06:19
Post subject: STUCK CH
my character got Stuck please help Gm ign: _NuuNuuNuB
thank you
Posted: 2015-03-13 12:48:54
Post subject: STUCK CH
HM my chars are stuck...
cant log in any on this acc
Tinyleaf, xEmberis
Posted: 2015-03-12 16:46:33
Post subject: STUCK CH
Gm Help please my char stuck in Market place cant log in it loading char but got disconnect after that .. ign ___Krystal___
Please Release my spear got stuck thanks
Posted: 2015-02-11 20:26:29
Post subject: STUCK CH
unstuck Eilla please thank you!
Posted: 2015-02-05 13:49:47
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hi GM,
Character stuck at login screen.
IGN: Dayma_
Posted: 2015-02-03 21:41:11
Post subject: STUCK CH
Pls release my healer.. stuck in MP
IGN; ZzDaiPhuNuzZ tks..
Posted: 2015-02-03 16:46:40
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hi Celysta would you so kindly remove my account from limbo please?
My computer shut off and when I tried to get back on I have been getting the error.
Happened around 4:40 pm today
Posted: 2015-02-01 17:20:07
Post subject: STUCK CH
GM celysta my ninja is stuck floating in the air please unstuck thank you very much
IGN: MrKoa
Posted: 2015-01-28 05:48:17
Post subject: STUCK CH
dtpethanh got stuck today at 3:00 AM server time! I got disconnected then log back in got stuck!
Posted: 2015-01-28 05:19:27
Post subject: STUCK CH
NinjasVietNam got stuck today at 11:30 PM 01/23/2015 server time! I got disconnected then log back in got stuck!. Fix help me pls!!
Posted: 2015-01-26 14:09:26
Post subject: STUCK CH
I just got stuck today at 11:30 PM 01/23/2015 I guess
IGN: NinjasVietNam
Posted: 2015-01-24 07:15:07
Post subject: STUCK CH
My char got stuck. Unstuck me please.
Ign: AddictedToYou
Posted: 2015-01-23 23:40:42
Post subject: STUCK CH
I just got stuck today at 11:30 PM I guess
IGN: NinjasVietNam
Posted: 2015-01-20 12:44:08
Post subject: STUCK CH
My char is not stuck but im a returning player and my items are missing.
IGN: KyoShimura
ID: Johanawie05
PLease reply back on what information you need from me
Posted: 2015-01-18 22:30:38
Post subject: STUCK CH
have been unstuck.
Posted: 2015-01-18 16:18:40
Post subject: STUCK CH
Hi GM.
PALEASE UnStack my sword .. IGN: xBlazeBeazt
Posted: 2015-01-18 11:14:17
Post subject: STUCK CH
zZzNuSatThuzZz got stuck today at 11:00 AM server time! I got disconnected then log back in got stuck!