Home > Gameguide > How to Start
- The launcher may automatically update game files. If there is no update the Game Start button will become active. Pressing Game Start will activate the game.
- Select the server that you wish to play in. There are multiple channels within one server.
You can join any channel with the same character as long as channels belong to the same server.
- Select the server that you wish to play in. There are multiple channels within one server.
- 1) Character Creating
- Select the server that you wish to play in. There are multiple channels within one server. You can join any channel with the same character as long as channels belong to the same server.
- 2) Character Type and Settings
- Use the ID Check function to make sure that no user is using the same ID, and then select the character type that you wish to play.
After you choose your type, you can customize your character with hair style, hair color, face, and voice. That character stats are set according to your type selection.
- 3) Character Selection
- Once you complete creating a character, you will return to the character selection page.
You can either double click on the character or click on the character then clicking on the select character to bring the selected character to the center. From there you can either double click on the character or click on the button at the bottom to join the game. .
- Loading screen will appear once you finish choosing the character. Loading time may vary depending on your computer specs and your connection status. Let's get started with the game!